We love watching the engagement in our youngest writers. Their joy to keep growing stories in special notebooks is priceless. :)
Our fairy tale and fable unit came alive this week with our first graders preparing and practicing their own readers theatre version of Red Riding Hood. #idepride #fluencypractice #teamhull @Idefirstgrade1 @Aofficialcce @bhull75
We complimented our procedural writing unit with "how to make a paper hat." This was a great lesson on following directions and maintaining a growth mindset!!
This week, we participated in our own March Madness... of Booms! Students listened to and voted on a bracket of books. The champion is "Turtle and Tortoise are Not Friends."
I cannot wait to celebrate all of these Lion readers tomorrow! Look at all of the students who completed our Great Reading Challenge!! #idepride #readersareleaders
Ramadan Mubarak! We are so grateful that we had the opportunity to learn about Ramadan from one of our generous families today. Thank you for a fun afternoon of learning, enrichment, and fun!!
Kindergarteners are working hard on decoding words during reading centers. We are using our phonemic awareness to listen for sounds and finding word families in texts! Way to go!
The Elizabeth Ide 1st graders enjoyed celebrating St. Patricks Day together! Lucky Charms math and a lesson on Irish dancing! ☘️ @Idefirstgrade1
@bhull75 #teamhull #idepride🦁
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We kicked off our day with Irish dancers!
A group of second graders work in student-led book clubs to foster independence and the joy of reading!
Team Beseth worked on creating a graph and collecting data with Lucky Charms! 🍀🌈 Of course we ate it when we were done! #firstgrade #luckycharms #mathfun #learningisfun
Thank you, Team Staiton, for welcoming me into your classroom this morning! You were amazing *mavericks* with Amira!
- Mrs. DeFors ❤️
Team Oliver has been busy earning Kindness Coins! We had 5 daily winners this week!
First Grade has been learning about how the world changes around us. This week in Team Beseth, we focused on the water cycle. We colored diagrams, watched the coolest educational videos and even created our own movements to represent the cycle! #firstgrade #teambeseth ☀️🌧️
Our amazing occupational therapist, Mrs. Rancatore, presented a "Ready, Do, Done" visual to our class today to help with planning and organizing before beginning a task! We had fun creating our own "whole body listening Larry" using these 3 steps! 🧠
Our amazing occupational therapist, Mrs. Rancatore, presented a "Ready, Do, Done" visual to our class today to help with planning and organizing before beginning a task. We had fun creating our own "whole body listening Larry" using these 3 steps! 🧠
Team Staiton is having fun sorting 2D and 3D shapes, practicing addition and subtraction, counting coins, and identifying tens and ones during math centers! 🧮
We're having fun searching for word families, labeling weather words, and diving into nonfiction texts during reading centers!
Mr. Freeze from Fermilab visits 2nd grade students.
Science came alive today with Mr. Freeze-a special physicist from Fermilab! Second graders had a blast!